Wednesday, December 28, 2011

james bond actors

james bond actors.
Sean Connery Any avid fan of the Bond movies knows about this man. Considered one of the most iconic actors to play the coveted role, Sean Connery portrayed James Bond a total of seven times. Some of his most famous roles include “Goldfinger,” “Never Say Never Again” and “Diamonds are Forever.” Sean’s remarkable manner and wit allowed him to epitomize the first James Bond character, which made filling his shoes a tough challenge.
Roger Moore Roger Moore is another well-known actor to play James Bond. He also portrayed Bond a total of seven times and appeared in such famous titles as “The Spy Who Loved Me” and “A View to Kill.” As Bond, Roger added a more lightweight feel to the role, which allowed audience perception of the action hero to broaden.

Daniel Craig The most recent actor to undertake the James Bond role is Daniel Craig. The actor played the role twice, but is reported to have signed for five more movies. The titles of his two movies are “Casino Royale” and “Quantum of Solace.” If there is one thing James Bond is known for, it is his suave attitude and pristine fashion. He is often seen wearing either a sleek suit or a dashing tux, and each outfit is paired with a sharp pair of shades. These popular James Bond sunglasses are best represented by Daniel in his most recent Bond role. Otherwise known as the Quantum of Solace sunglasses, these shades are identified for their sophisticated edge that gives the most recent MI6 agent his fierce, yet eye-catching look.

James Bond through the Years For generations, the James Bond trilogy has been captivating and thrilling audiences around the world with intense action sequences and exciting plot twists. The series’ first movie premiered in 1962 and has seen countless actors play the popular 007 hero. The question is, however, which actor has best portrayed the debonair and masculine man everyone sees James Bond as being? You don’t have to be a devoted fan of the movies to have a favorite James Bond. Check out some of the actors who have portrayed the hero through the years: Pierce Bronson The famous Pierce Bronson only played the part of James Bond four times, but is remembered most for his iconic role in “Goldeneye.” Known for his good looks and charm, Pierce was able to bring renewed elegance to the movies, while remaining the hard-hitting action hero everyone knows and loves.

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